Hunter Faruq
President, Freedom Nation
Faruq Hunter is the co-founder of the Freedom Nation and Freedom Village, Freedom Village is a 205 Acre Maker’s town built exclusively for makers, innovators, artists and creatives by makers, innovators, artists and creatives. 1 hour from the 3rd largest port in the US and the busiest airport in the world, Freedom Village is set in a county that has created the legal leeway that makers need to live a lifestyle of experimentation, growth and freedom. The entire town produces its own food, electricity, water and natural gas on an internally developed distributed energy production Smart Grid and within 25 acres of Organic farms and ranches. Mr. Hunter has been a featured speaker in Black Enterprise Magazine, SXSW, Re:Publica, Geoergia Tech�s Impact Series and over 50 additional venues throughout 24 Countries on the topics of innovation, collaboration and technology. As a 13 year old high school graduate who completed his first degree at the International University of Africa in Khartoum, Sudan, Mr. Hunter’s primary focus is on using innovation and sustainability as a foundation for developing systems to create, re-create, rejuvenate and sustain the concept of the rural town as efficient hubs for economic progress and global production.