January 13, 2016
King Historical District Walking Tour
Opening Reception – 6:00 PM
Location: The Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Marquis Ballroom
(Credentials Required)
“The Aspirational Future of Black Men in America”
Featuring John Hope Bryant, Ben Jealous, Van Jones, Mayor Kasim Reed
Moderated by Lisa Borders
Grammy Award winning artist Gerald Albright and special guests
The 2015 HOPE Global Forum was the greatest show on Earth – because it talked about creating jobs and rebuilding the almighty middle-class. There was testimony from well-know American CEO’s, famous entrepreneurs, a 13 year-old business genius, President Bill Clinton – a wide range of expert witnesses. If anybody can bring our “good jobs” economy back – it is this summit, John Bryant and his Operation HOPE powerhouse.
The Hope Global Forum is not only a solid initiative to bring together like-minded individuals in an effort to help the underserved, but a solid foundation in which hope itself is built on. The Forum inspires me and makes me even more committed to help providing all a fair and equal shot. I am honored and privileged to be a part of it.
I’ve been to Davos, to the Super Bowl, and to National Conventions of both parties. If I were forced to choose only one, I would choose the HOPE Global Forum. For the ultimate in servant leadership, the HOPE Global Forum is the place to be, to learn, and to serve. The HOPE Global Forum finds the intersection of economic empowerment and human dignity. It is a place to learn, to teach, and to be inspired.
January 14, 2016
Opening Remarks:
Dennis Lockhart
President & CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Opening Remarks:
Philippe Bourguignon
HOPE Global Forums
Opening Remarks:
U.S. HUD Secretary Julián Castro
Inclusive Economics:
A Global Vision for a Digital Age
A Special Conversation:
Chelsea Clinton and John Hope Bryant
Athletes Giving Back:
Citizen Athletes in Action
Transformative Technology:
What Drives the Disruptors?
Reimagining the Urban Ecosystem:
What’s New, What’s Working?
The Social Entrepreneur:
Capitalism with a Conscience
The New Global Economy:
Opportunities in Developing Markets
Creating Connections:
Taking Risks Through Vulnerability
A Plan For Global Sustainability:
Building Business Alliances
A Framework For Inclusion:
Challenges and Policies
Environmental Sustainability:
Sizing the Green Economy
Future of Fin Tech:
Disruption or Reimagination?
The Minority & Women Business Challenge:
Creating Sustainable Growth
Accessing Capital:
Breakthrough Strategies
Global Youth Unemployment:
Unrest Around the World
Special Announcements:
Gallup-HOPE Index Report
Atlanta Police Department
A Special Conversation
Brad Smith, President & CEO, Intuit
Closing Keynote:
Honorable Jack Lew,
U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
Social & Networking Reception – 6:00 PM
Location: Center For Civil & Human Rights
(Credentials Required)
Featuring Christopher Kai, Founder and CEO, KGL
January 15, 2016
Opening Benediction:
Raphael G. Warnock, Senior Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church
Opening Remarks:
SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet
A Very Special Conversation with Ambassador Andrew Young and Ares Management Co-Founder and Atlanta Hawks Owner, Tony Ressler
Expanding the Gains of Women & Girls:
Prospering in a Global Economy
Employee Financial Wellness:
The Next Big Thing?
Comeback Cities:
Detroit as a Case Study
The 21st Century Workforce:
Diversity as Business Rationale
Youth, Innovation & Entrepreneurship:
Strategies for Success
Impact Philanthropy:
Pathways from Success to Significance
How They Are Shaping Our World
Emerging Africa:
Beyond the Headlines
CEO Perspective:
Making the Business Case For Financial Inclusion
HOPE Business-in-a-Box:
CEO Pitch Competition
Credit Where Credit is Due:
Accessing Credit, Transforming Communities
Protecting Our Protectors:
Reintroducing Military Personnel Into The Workforce
The Business of Health:
Designing the Total Wellness Model
The Age of Longevity:
Global Aging and Financial Inclusion
Women & Girls Entrepreneurship:
Removing the Barriers & Scaling Success
Special Announcements:
Macon-Bibb County
Minority Business Development Agency
A Conversation with
Apple’s VP of Worldwide HR & Talent, Denise Young Smith
John Hope Bryant