Wendy Torres
Author, The Angel Rules and The Little Angel Book for Girls.
Wendy Torres – Artist, Mentor, Educator, and Author of The Angel Rules and The Little Angel Book for Girls. She is working on a publishing deal for a poetry book and her second manuscript One Thousand to One – a book for un-fathered boys. She has over 28 years of experience working in the areas of drama, dance, spoken word, choir and musical theater. Her fondest memories are as the head directress of The United Voices Gospel Choir of The University of West Georgia, 1993 – 1996.
Wendy received her BSED of Secondary Social Sciences from the University of West Georgia with a minor in Political Science and dual certification in Middle School and Secondary Social Studies. She obtained her Masters of Creative Arts Education from Lesley University – a subsidiary of Cambridge University. She is a 20 year veteran middle and high school teacher in the public schools of Georgia. She contracts for the Georgia Department of Education in the area of professional development. She currently serves the Cobb County School System as a Title I District Academic Coach. As such, she develops and provides district level professional development and in-service training to support the instructional literacy components embedded in Title I schools’ content areas K-12.
“It is an honor to know that my work is impacting the quality of the instructional experience for students all over Cobb County. Equitable access to the keys to success are a human right for all.” Wendy Torres