Tom Finegan
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
Clarkston-Potomac Group
Tom Finegan, Clarkston-Potomac Group’s Chairman and CEO, has guided Clarkston Consulting’svision since co-founding the firm over 20 years ago. Along with the other co-founders, Tombelieved in a simple strategy that consulting firms that genuinely care about driving measurablebusiness results for clients and creating a rewarding environment for professionals will thrive inthe crowded consulting marketplace. In addition to his leadership at the Clarkston PotomacGroup Level, Tom is CEO of Enlight Research and serves as the Chairman of the Board for bothRural Sourcing, Inc. and FoodLogiQ, and as a managing member of Clarkston MerchantPartners.
He holds a B.A. in Economics from Johns Hopkins University and has been named a finalist inErnst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year, a 40 under 40 Leader, and other industry awards. Heis a recognized expert in corporate and transformational strategy development for global LifeSciences and Consumer Products companies. Today, Tom still serves as the strategic counsel toCEOs, EVPs, and other business leaders on several client accounts.