Nicole Ibbotson
General Counsel & Chief Privacy Officer, InComm Financial Services, Inc.
Nicole Ibbotson is General Counsel & Chief Privacy Officer at InComm Financial Services, Inc. Ms. Ibbotson oversees global legal, regulatory and government affairs for all financial services programs offered by InComm and its affiliates. She also manages InComm’s global enterprise privacy program throughout 32 countries. InComm’s 400,000 partner locations generate over $30 billion in transactions annually. She has 15 years expertise with legal, compliance and government affairs relating to financial services, payments, financial technology, cybersecurity and data privacy. She was named ACI’s 2017 Top Ten Women Leaders in Financial Services and Paybefore’s 2015 Top Women in Payments. She serves on Money Services Business Association (MSBA) Board, TAG FinTech Board, Atlanta Women in Cybersecurity Roundtable, and Electronic Transactions Association (ETA) Prepaid Working Group. Ms. Ibbotson is a frequent speaker at conferences, including Money 20/20, IAPP Global Privacy Summit, Card Forum, ACI Emerging Payments, and Women Leaders in Financial Services Law & Compliance.