Lakesha Landers
Founder & CEO, TimeLess Connections & Company
LaKesha Landers is the Director of Financial Literacy for the renowned HBCU Clark Atlanta University. Additionally, LaKesha serves as Co-Chair of Universities and Colleges for Money Smart Campaign of Georgia, a nationally recognized campaign through the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, designed to help consumers learn a better way to manage their personal finances. She serves on the Board of Directors for non-profit, Young Authors Publishing, a book publishing company that helps children in low-income communities write and publish their own children’s books through an 8-week development to experience writing, publishing and earning.
LaKesha offers her services to aid in development and enhancement of partnering schools, businesses, and organizations for providing financial education through activities, opportunities, and partnerships. She has created and implemented modeled programs to allow young adults the opportunity to become financially literate, as well as opportunity for professional development. Landers has an extensive background as a financial service leader in Higher Education with over 15 years of experience in state, public, and proprietary post-secondary institutions. From utilizing her many talents such as her ability to speak a language that reaches all ages, and innovative ideas to introduce financial literacy, LaKesha has definitely made her mark as an educator. She has taught on a collegiate level humanities, personal finance, and money management.
In her former role with the Millennials Chamber of Commerce she diligently worked to engage and collaborate with financial professionals and others in the public, private, and non-profit sectors coordinating efforts and strengthening financial literacy awareness within the community, with businesses, entrepreneurs, colleges, and families. Because of her leadership, community involvement, and program development, the Neighborhood Impact Awards recognized her as an honoree of the “Community Engagement Award”. In 2017 The Atlanta City Council Honored Clark Atlanta University and presented the Office of Financial Literacy with a Proclamation for the development of the Financial Literacy Peer Counselors and the Annual Financial Literacy, Innovation, and Technology Conference. Landers has been a feature in YBE Magazine PowHER edition, The Awkward Girl Podcast, a spotlighted guest on WCLK Jazz and WYCE Gospel radio, and has moderated and spoken bi-costal at many conferences, summits, and global forums. Additionally, LaKesha does it all, as a community engager, and educator, but the most important job for LaKesha is being a mother to whom she calls her “life line”, her two sons ages 8 and 14 who resides with her in Atlanta, Georgia.
LaKesha is the Founder and CEO for a startup 501c3 TimeLess Connections & Company. TLC & Co. offers opportunity to communities and businesses as a way to create, develop, and institute programs that enhance their means of economic sustainability through a socioeconomic approach “meeting you where you are”.