Joann J. Hill
Director, Office of Customer Experience, U.S. Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA)
As a member of the federal Senior Executive Service (SES), Ms. Hill is Director of the Office of Customer Experience and has responsibility for the management, formulation, and execution of the Agency’s customer experience strategy. She builds coalitions with federal agencies, Fortune 500 corporations, major national industry trade associations and chambers of commerce to cultivate and establish strategic consortia that support the growth and global competitiveness of MBDA clients and customers. Her office leads the Minority Business Enterprises Advisory Council, MOUs, and external engagement. She provides executive leadership for several strategic initiatives within the Department of Commerce and works closely with Departmental executive level political and career senior executives to implement and execute strategies that strengthen domestic and global supply chains and yield economic impact. She serves as liaison to the Department of Commerce Strategic Planning Committee, and Performance Excellence Council. Ms. Hill leads agency efforts to comply with the Office of Management & Budget (OMB) A-11, Section 280 policy related to Managing Customer Experience and Improving Service Delivery.
Ms. Hill has served as Senior Advisor to the Under Secretary for MBDA. For 10 years, she served as Chief of the Office of Business Development at MBDA, where she had oversight of the Office of Business Development. In this role, she served as Federal Program Officer and led the nationwide network of 88 MBDA Business Centers, programs and initiatives including export centers, advanced manufacturing centers, federal procurement center, enterprising women of color, Equity Multiplier, Entrepreneurship for the Formerly Incarcerated, Minority Serving Colleges and Universities, and American Indian Alaska Native & Native Hawaiian programs. Collectively, during her tenure, these programs generated more than $30 billion dollars in contracts and financing for MBDA clients, and the creation of hundreds of thousands of jobs, advancing the growth of the U.S. economy.
With broad global experience in business development, Ms. Hill has served as Acting National Field Director for the U.S. Commercial Service (CS), International Trade Administration (ITA), U.S. Department of Commerce. In this role, she had oversight of the U.S. Field to lead 106 U.S. Export Assistance Centers (USEAC). She provided strategic direction and communication of strategy and priorities to nearly 300 staff in the U.S. field. She also served as Senior Policy Advisor on the ITA Federal and State Export Promotion.
Ms. Hill holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Benedict College and a Master of Business Administration degree from Emory University, Goizueta Business School. She is a graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government’s Senior Executive Fellows Program.