Janet Calhoun
Senior Vice President, Innovation,
Calhoun currently serves as senior vice president of strategy, innovationsand solutions for Healthways, Inc. and is responsible for the company’sstrategic planning, strategic partnership management and well-beingimprovement capabilities roadmap.
Calhoun has been with Healthways for 25 years and has extensiveexperience in strategic partnership collaborations leading to thecommercialization of co-branded products. Calhoun has led the design, development and commercialization of the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being5, The BlueZones Project, Innergy Weight Management with Johns Hopkins,Financial Well-Being with Dave Ramsey, and the Ornish Spectrum Program.
Prior to her current role, Calhoun was the Executive Director for the Medcoand Healthways New Product Development Collaborative. The Collaborative focused on the development of new solutions to integrateHealth and Care Support services with Pharmacy Therapy and PharmacyBenefit Management services and were distributed directly to Medco’sclient base. Prior to her role with the Medco-Healthways Collaborative,Calhoun was the leader of Product Development and Management for Healthways where she led the development of Healthways’ disease management services resulting in a product portfolio that include behavior change programs for over twenty unique health conditions.Calhoun currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Healthways Foundation and the David Lipscomb Board of Visitors for the School ofPharmacy. She is the founder of the Aim High program at Healthways focused on formal development of future women executives in the company.
Calhoun received her Bachelor of Science Degree from Oregon StateUniversity and completed a post graduate Internship in Dietetics at theUniversity of Virginia Medical Center.