Ira Royal

Founder, iTalkCredit Inc.
Host, iTalkCredit Inc. Radio Show

Ira Royal is a North Carolina native where he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Business Management & Finance from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. In Addition, he earned his MBA from Mercer University in 2014.

Possessing 10 plus years of experience within the Financial Services industry Ira has held several roles within retail, small business, and community banking. Currently, employed with Equifax one of the Largest Global Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies as an Operation Manager. Ira leads the Data Breach Response, Fulfillment, and Delivery process for the Global Data Breach business unit. Previously, Ira served as Strategic Consultant, where he managed banking relationships across the U.S. spearheading projects that addressed credit marketing, risk mitigation, regulatory adherence, and revenue generation. In Addition to his career, Ira is the President and host of ITalkCredit Inc. and the ITalkCredit Radio Show which focuses on using financial literacy as a platform to inspire, empower, and educate his community. He is also writing a book entitled “Death 2 the Score” motivating his readers to not focus merely on credit scores, but to change daily behaviors and foster a mentality of progression while being aware of legacy and values.

Ira attends Buckhead Church regularly and services as a greeter to the Kindergarten and 1st grade classes. In his free time, he volunteers with Operation HOPE’s Youth Empowerment Division in Atlanta, Georgia.

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