Ganhuyag Chuluun Hutagt
CEO, Ard Financial Group
Ganhuyag Chuluun Hutagt started his career at the Mongolian Stock Exchange as a floor supervisor in 1991 and moved on to engage in the family business a year later. He joinedthe Central Bank’s Supervision Division after graduating from the Budapest University ofEconomic Sciences in 1997. He then worked for UNDP’s MicroStart Project in 1998,initially as a Finance Manager and then Operations Manager before becomingExecutive Ganhuyag Chuluun Hutagt started his career at the Mongolian Stock Exchange as a Floor Supervisor in 1991.
Hutagt later joined the Central Bank of Mongolia’s Supervision Division after graduatingfrom Budapest University with a degree in Economic Sciences in 1997. He then workedfor UNDP’s MicroStart Project in 1998, initially as a Finance Manager and then OperationsManager, before becoming Executive Director of XAC (Golden Fund for Development),Mongolia’s first non-bank microfinance company, in 1999. XAC merged with anothercompany to form XacBank, a commercial bank with a social and development mandate,where he held the position of Chief Executive Officer since its founding in2009. Hutagt led the holding company of XacBank TenGer Financial Group until he wasappointed Vice-Minister of Finance of Mongolia in 2010. He has served as HonoraryConsul of Hungary in Mongolia since 2006 and is a Member of the Board of the Microfinance Centre for CEE and NIS and the President of the Mongolian Student’sUnion.