Ennie Lim
CEO & Co-Founder, HoneyBee
Ennie Lim is the co-founder and CEO of HoneyBee, a San Francisco based Certified Benefit Corporation® with the mission to provide affordable credit alternative and protect millions of working Americans from predatory lenders. HoneyBee was the result of her own financial struggle, she resolved to create a better way, today, HoneyBee empowers hundreds of HR leaders to provide their employees with tools to bridge financial emergencies and manage credit effectively. In her recent article featured on Forbes she writes about The Transformational Power of Economic Empathy because she believes with a little empathy, everyone wins. Ennie graduated from McGill University in Montreal, she sits on the governing board of the NCHRA, one of the nation’s largest HR associations representing over 30,000 HR professionals. She’s passionate about building businesses for a better tomorrow and believes all of us has the potential to become powerful changemakers.