David Ramirez
Founder and Chief Investment Officer, ForUsAll
David is on a mission to help every small business owner offer a 401(k) that rivals the largest Fortune 500 retirement plans. To say David is frugal is, well, an understatement. So as a founder and Chief Investment Officer, David spends his time doggedly using the combined purchasing power of our clients to get ever better services at ever lower costs. And David has a pretty good idea of how awesome and inexpensive 401(k)’s can be. Prior to founding ForUsAll, David helped manage over $55 billion in assets for employees at large Fortune 100 companies. David holds a CFA charter and a B.S. in Political Economics of Industrial Societies from the University of California, Berkeley. When not working, David swims, writes bad haiku and moonlights as a ceramicist. David has no plans on retiring – but will likely make a career shift later in life to dedicate himself fully to creating the perfect teapot.