Chris Hooper
Chapter Chair, Conscious Capitalism Atlanta
Chris could be called a reformed marketer or and evolved business person, depending on one’s perspective. After many years in consumer marketing and advertising, he developed a deep appreciation for companies who differentiate themselves by who they really are rather than who they claim to be in campaigns. He has become a champion for the conscious business movement and the evolution toward purpose-driven, socially responsible free enterprise. His personal purpose is to Advocate the Positive Evolution of Capitalism.
As Co-Founder and Chapter Chair of Conscious Capitalism Atlanta, a new chapter of Conscious Capitalism International, Chris is dedicated to helping build a tribe of like-minded business professionals in one of the most vibrant business centers in the country.
Chris is also the Founder and Principal of Prosperity-Inc, a consultancy devoted to advancing the concept of Prosperity as the new standard of Success Beyond Profit. He works with companies and their leaders at the intersection of their business strategy and their role in society.
Having experience in brand management roles with Quaker Oats, Cadbury Beverages and Hardee’s, and communications leadership roles with McCann Erickson and J. Walter Thompson, Chris has worked with dozens of major brands including BB&T Bank, Pennzoil, Shell, Coca-Cola, Gatorade, Schweppes and Pergo. He is a graduate of the Henry W. Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, and of Harvard Business School.