Barry Wides
Deputy Comptroller for Community Affairs, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Barry Wides is the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) Deputy Comptroller for Community Affairs, where he leads a department of community development professionals located in Washington, D.C., and the OCC districts.
The Community Affairs staff is responsible for outreach to banks and their community partners, the development of policy, and the creation and distribution of educational materials on community development issues.
Prior to joining the OCC in 1999, Mr. Wides was Director of Affordable Housing Sales at Freddie Mac, where he led a nationwide sales team responsible for developing products and strategies to achieve the company’s congressionally mandated affordable housing goals. He previously served as Deputy Director of the Resolution Trust Corporation’s Affordable Housing Program. Mr. Wides began his career in Washington, D.C., as a Presidential Management Intern and Budget Examiner at the Office of Management and Budget.
Mr. Wides is a Certified Public Accountant and holds a bachelor of science degree in accounting and a master’s degree in business administration from Indiana University.