Banke Awopetu

Lead Consultant, Concrete Rose Publications

Banke Awopetu’s loving venturesome nature has taken her around the globe where she has excelled as an facilitator and creative. Her poise, pronounced sense of urgency, and magnetic presence
allows her to lead shared decision making which simplifies complex problems and synthesizes solutions. In 2016, she shepherded the Rochester City School District’s new code of conduct through a collaborative cross community process, resulting in unanimous board approval, district wide adoption, and a 32% decrease in suspensions and arrests.

Banke’s insight and talent is reflected in her body of work which includes award winning novels, essays, and speeches as well as creative contributions to dozens of companies and projects. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Virginia in African/AfricanĀ­ American Studies and Drama from the University of Virginia and a Masters in Education from Roberts Wesleyan.

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