Lori Schock
Director, Office of Investor Education and Advocacy, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Lori Schock has served since 2009 as the Director of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy (OIEA) —the Commission’s champion in providing America’s investors with the tools and information they need to make wise investment decisions and avoid fraud.
OIEA’s critical mission includes helping investors understand the operations of the securities markets and the federal securities laws and assisting investors in resolving issues with regulated entities. The office participates in investor outreach events throughout the country and responds to thousands of questions and complaints from individual investors each year.
Lori is a leading expert on investor protection issues and advises the Commission and its leadership on all matters involving retail investors. She is frequently sought after to lead seminars to regulators and market participants both domestically and internationally and conducts investor workshops across the United States. Lori has testified before Congress and is regularly quoted by the media on investor issues.
She received both her law and master’s of taxation degrees from the University of Akron and her bachelor’s degree from Furman University.