Kelvin Boston
Kelvin Boston is a respected financial journalist, public speaker and best selling author who the New York Times has referred to as an “out-spoken voice for economic empowerment.” Kelvin Boston is the executive producer and host of the Moneywise with Kelvin Boston PBS series. Moneywise with Kelvin Boston is considered public television’s (PBS) longest running multi-cultural financial affairs television series. He is also the President of Boston Media, LLC. the company that produces the Moneywise Series. Kelvin Boston is the best-selling author of Smart Money Moves for African Americans (Putnam 1995). He also wrote Who’s Afraid To Be A Millionaire? and The Confident Millionaire audio book (Nightingale Conant) in 2006.
In 2003, Kelvin Boston was awarded the National Community Reinvestment Coalition’s (NCRC) annual award for promoting economic justice. In 2005, Boston received the “Communicator of the Year” award from the National Association of Market Developers. Kelvin Boston’s first one-hour public television special entitled Who’s Afraid To Be A Millionaire? premiered on public television stations nationwide in 2007.
Since 2007, Kelvin Boston and the Moneywise In the Community Outreach Program provided financial seminars to more than 25,000 African Americans and Military Members in the United States, Japan, Europe and the Middle East. In 2010, Kelvin Boston’s company produced the Moneywise Homeowner’s Empowerment Special: Avoiding Foreclosure; and the Moneywise with Kelvin Boston series began airing on the Armed Forces Television Network where it reaches more than 1 million military members and their families in 170 countries around the world. In 2011, Mr. Boston’s company will release and theMoneywise New Homeowner’s Empowerment Special: Dare To Own and theMoneywise Save Your Financial Dreams Special to public television stations nationwide. Kelvin Boston is a graduate of Lincoln University (Lincoln, PA) and a former regional financial planning manager for American Express Financial Advisors.